When my son was much younger, choosing a school for him to attend was far easier than it is for parents today.
Charter and cyber schools did not exist at the time, and budget cuts and talks of education reform had not yet opened the gates to for-profit companies.
In today’s new education environment, it is important that public schools put the students’ interest above corporate interests. This is exactly the goal of Cashing in on Kids, a new project from In the Public Interest in collaboration with the American Federation of Teachers.
Cashing in on Kids is working to ensure that parents, teachers, students and taxpayers continue to have a strong voice in how we run our schools and educate our nation’s children. Our tax dollars belong in our classrooms and should provide resources that teachers, students and communities need to create a healthy, vibrant and secure nation.
To read more about Cashing in on Kids please visit our website at www.cashinginonkids.com. Also, please feel free to educate others with the wealth of information on our site.