Cashing in on Kids is In the Public Interest‘s pick of recent news about the privatization of public education.
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The Broad Center moves up. Eli Broad, the billionaire backer of charter school expansion in Los Angeles, has bought credibility by moving the Broad Center to Yale University and gifting the school $100 million. Los Angeles Times
DeVos speaks at ALEC conference. Billionaire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos spoke at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) States and Nation Policy Summit this week. She “thank[ed] the group for supporting her Education Freedom Scholarships proposal.” Documented
“Uncharted territory.” A charter school in California’s Nevada County closed abruptly in October, sending students scrambling for options during the school year. “I’ve never seen students disenroll from a school at such a rapid pace,” said the county’s chief business official. The Union
How to talk to family about charter schools during the holidays. The holidays are a time of joy and relaxation but also uncomfortable conversations with family. Will Uncle Tommy go on another rant about windmills causing cancer? So, what should you say when someone starts dissing traditional, neighborhood public schools and hyping up charter schools? Here’s what. In the Public Interest
School privatization explained. The Network for Public Education (NPE) has released a toolkit called School Privatization Explained. Network for Public Education
“I am disgusted that they keep getting away with this.” Los Altos, California, resident Ellen Akerlund-Gonella asks, “How can Bullis Charter School and the county school board claim ‘equality’ when it is well known that they require a $5,000 per child ‘gift’ to attend, even though they say it is ‘requested.’ And tax-deductible at that!” Mountain View Voice